Photograph Your FKT Attempts, Mountain and Ultra Marathon Running Adventures in the UK

Photograph Your FKT Attempts, Mountain and Ultra Marathon Running Adventures in the UK


Would you love some keepsakes of your adventure? Are you attempting a fastest known time, record attempt or other endurance adventure and looking to hire a professional photographer for the day?

We have experience filming and photographing single and multi-day ultramarathons and grand round attempts.

We can photograph your Bob Graham Round, Paddy Buckley Round, Ramsay Round or other route you may be attempting.

With over 15+ years of landscape photography experience, 10 years outdoor sports photography and a lifetime in the mountains around the UK, we're sure we can capture those once in a lifetime moments of you from your FKT attempt anywhere in the UK.


How Does It Work

Send us an email using the contact form to arrange a booking, we'll talk through locations and when you are interested in arranging it for. We just need to know where and when your FKT attempt or adventure will be.

Once purchased you can redeem the gift voucher for the photo shoot within 12 months.


What Do You Get

You will get a number of digital shots from your adventure and fastest known time attempt that you can print and frame to put in your home or office and even share on your social media platforms or save as wallpapers on your phone and computers.

We can save these moments in time for you to treasure forever, if you have a favourite you'd like to get printed we work with a Sustainable Print company and can arrange that to bring your favourite moments to reality through print.



Photo Session Start at £100, depending on location and length of the attempt.  (there is a small driving fee on top)

Send us an email below to arrange and to get a quote for your adventure.

Contact me here.